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Please join us on Facebook live every Sunday at 10:00am. You can also view us on YouTube by clicking the Media & Resources tab above. 


We will utilize our prayer line for Tuesday's 6:00 morning prayer and Saturday's 7:00am intercessory prayer. Dial in number: 267.807.9605  Access Code: 363271#


Our continued giving is still very important. Therefore, we offer the following options for your convenience: 

  • On-line giving through our website

  • Cash App - $Greatercityofrefuge and $promiseacademy1​​

  • In person - someone will be at the church to receive your gift from 10:00 to 11:00am each Sunday.

  • Mail - 2201 SW Adams St, Peoria IL 61602


Thank you for supporting Greater City of Refuge and our ministerial efforts.



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